Country-specific publications for China
This note describes the Chinese Occupational Qualification Certificate of the Occupational Qualification System. It comprises a review of key technical features as well as a guide to online verification.
This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.
This note describes the Occupational Qualification System in China exemplified through a specific focus on cooks. It includes a description of entry and test requirements for the different levels of the Occupational Qualification System as well as a description of the level of corruption in China and an assessment of the trustworthiness of Chinese documents.
This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.
This note introduces the official and formal education system of China. The main focus of this note is to provide information and a general understanding of the education system of China as a whole, and through this, the ability to identify recognised educational qualifications and understand what they represent in reference to where they belong in the structure of the education system. Moreover, the note describes which educational certificates are issued as proof of achieved educational qualifications. The note also includes considerations of fraud and corruption related to the Chinese education system.
This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.
The following note describes how to read the 18-digit Chinese personal identification number, and how a genuine personal identification number corresponds with the holder’s residence registration.
This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.
The note describes the features of the border crossing stamps in use by the immigration authorities of the People’s Republic of China.
This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.
This note describes the different types of educational certificates, attesting to formal education in China. A particular focus is on the two most important educational certificates, i.e. the graduation certificate and the degree certificate. The note describes what the two certificates individually attest to as well as provides information on tactical elements of the certificates, including document examples.
The following note describes the two versions of Chinese birth certificates: the medical certificate of birth and the notarial certificate of birth.
This note describes how a number of formal Chinese educational qualifications can be verified through two different Chinese educational authorities, China Higher Education Student Information and Career Centre and China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Centre. The note includes verification document examples for reference.