Country specific publications

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The following note introduces the education system of Türkiye with a special focus on the role of quality assurance and verification opportunities of Turkish educational documents and institutions.


The following note introduces the education system of India with a focus on distance education and digital verification opportunities of Indian educational institutions and documents. 


The note describes the Indian Aadhaar number. The focus is on the registration process, the use of Aadhaar and the verification of Aadhaar cards.


The following note deals with birth and death registration in Ethiopia. The note also includes a description of the issuance procedure and layout of the related civil status documents.


The following note describes the different ways in which Ethiopian civil status documents can be verified by the issuing authority. It also introduces different aids in assessing Ethiopian civil status documents, if a verification by the issuing authority cannot be undertaken.

This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.


This note describes the different types of educational certificates, attesting to formal education in China. A particular focus is on the two most important educational certificates, i.e. graduation certificate and degree certificate. The note describes what the two certificates individually attest to and provides information on tactical elements of the certificates, including document examples.


The note describes the technical and vocational education system in Nepal and related education documents.


The following note describes some of the challenges to the trustworthiness of Ethiopian documents.

This note is for official use only and cannot be used for consultative procedures.


The following note deals with the administrative procedures for the registration of asylum seekers and refugees in Ethiopia. The note also includes a description of the issuance procedure and layout of the related documents.


The following note describes the Ethiopian ID system and the new national ID, also called Fayda. With a starting point in the present ID system in Ethiopia, the note briefly introduce the new system and its implementation. It is then described how to register for the national ID, what supporting documents are required and which biometric data is collected.