Analyses & trends
One of the tasks of the Danish National ID Centre is to conduct research on ID-related issues and identify falsification trends.
The Danish National ID Centre compiles and analyses information on national and international trends regarding ID-related misuse, for the purpose of keeping the relevant authorities up-to-date with the latest trends. The focus of the analyses includes but is not limited to the use of false or forged document and personnel fraud as well as the use of ID documents issued on the basis of false or forged breeder documents.
Furthermore, the Danish National ID Centre gathers information on ID-related issues in selected countries, including information about the issuance procedure of the countries concerned.
The analyses are based on desk studies, missions to foreign countries and/or information from international ID-network. The analyses are accessible on this website. Some of them are publicly accessible.
Based on examination of ID documents compiled by the Danish National ID Centre and information from national and international partners, the Danish National ID Centre publishes alerts regarding ID-related issues. The alerts are accessible on this website. Some of them are publicly accessible.
The Danish National ID Centre is also responsible for handling the overall coordination of the cooperation between the authorities in the ID area. This includes improving methods to establish the identities of foreign nationals. The Danish National ID Centre is responsible for developing guidelines, instructions and procedures with the purpose of enhancing and aligning authorities’ approaches to the determination and control of identities.