Duty of disclosure in connection with processing of personal data related to requests of access to records
The Danish National ID Centre processes your personal data or those of your representative in connection with the processing of enquiries about the rights enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation, such as those concerning access to information about the Centre´s processing of personal data.
The Danish National ID Centre shall provide you, according to the law, with information regarding what personal data of yours the Centre is processing, how the Centre is processing them, the contact details of the data protection office and all details listed in art. 14 of the Data Protection Regulation.
Aim of processing and legal basis
The aim of processing personal data is to be able to respond to requests of access to the Centre’s records or documents. The Public Administration Files Act (Offentlighedsloven) is the legal basis regulating requests of access to information on data processing.
Chapter three of the General Data Protection Regulation and Chapter 6 of the Personal Data Protection Act (Persondataloven) are the basis for inquiries concerning the rights of persons whose data are registered by the Danish National ID Centre.
Categories of data
The Danish National ID Centre processes your contact details in case you contact the Centre. It may also be necessary to process other personal data in order to be able to respond to your enquiry. This could be both to general, as well as special categories of personal data about the person contacting the Centre (if the enquiry is concerned with that person´s own case) or about other people.
Recipients and categories of recipients
The Danish National ID Centre will, depending on the circumstances, disclose personal data about applicants and about persons to whom a request relates. This may be to the following authorities:
- Parliament (This will usually happen in connection to a request for access to information from a parliamentary committee).
- Immigration Authorities (This may happen to verify the identity of an applicant, or in connection to a letter of formal notice concerning the outcome of a request for access to information)
- Other Ministries (in connection with information requests to other ministries)
Personal data storage
Inquiries concerning requests for access to information are assigned a case number in the Danish National ID Centre’s case management system. The Centre stores documents containing personal information in accordance with the Administration Files Act (Offentlighedsloven). Documents are deleted after a period of maximum 15 years.